Release: Preview 1.6 - Zoom Zoom


  • Zoom is re-enabled. A lot of the game's display code was built assuming a set tile size, so there may be some weird edge cases where things get wonky - please let me know if you see any!
  • If you try to use an item and aren't able to (eg eating food when full), the text explaining why will be displayed on the inventory screen.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error when eating some food items.
  • Fixed an error on the examine creature screen when examining a creature with armor.
  • If there's an error on a sub-screen it should fail back to the main screen more successfully now.


Wizard School Dropout Preview 1.6 5.4 MB
43 days ago
Wizard_School_Dropout-P1-6-x86_64.AppImage 5.9 MB
43 days ago

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