Release: Preview 2.1 - QOL Changes and Bug Fixes

QOL Highlights

  • Examine mode now shows items and interactable features, as well as an icon noting creature's attitude towards you.
    • If a creature hasn't noticed you, the attitude description now notes if they'll be hostile or friendly to you when they do notice you.
  • Followers in the tower will follow you to a new location (but followers at a location won't follow you back home).
    • Summoned creatures in the tower disappear when time advances - no summoning and then sleeping and repeating to take a whole army with you!
  • You can now craft using ingredients from the stash.
  • If you have zorkmids as an item and spend money, the item zorkmids are spent before your "banked" zorkmids.
  • You can now swap places with creatures that are friendly (not neutral) towards you, even if they're not your follower.

Content Changes

  • Flying is now a condition, rather than an innate state of flying creatures. It can be removed by certain other conditions, like sleep, stun, etc.
  • Rings/robes of protection/resistance now give notes for the right arcana properly (if that arcana exists currently, if not they'll just give random ones).
  • Robes/rings of protection/resistance are now more limited in the types of damage they'll generate protecting against, since some damage types are barely being used yet.
  • Changed explosive weapons/armor to use fire damage, and removed "explosive" as a damage type. If you had an item of explosive protection/resistance on an existing character, it still exists, it just doesn't do anything - not that it was very useful anyway.
  • A lot of armor values modified.
  • Cultists from the cult leader perk now only spawn when first entering a location, not going up/down stairs (they'll follow you up/down stairs though)
  • The outside area of the home tower map is lit up during the day like other wizard towers (only for new games).
  • If you wind up with zorkmids as an item in your tower (which you generally shouldn't! please let me know if this does occur)
  • , dropping them and picking them back up adds it to your "bank."
  • Artifact armor now generates with a name rather than "The Unknown."


  • "All" armor value is no longer displayed, instead the actual armor values per damage type are.
  • When learning spells or increasing arcana, the number of secrets you have is displayed.
  • Equipped items are marked on store/faction sell screens.
  • If a store or faction has the highest known (monetary) payment for an item, it's noted on the store sell screen.
  • Items now list what you'll get from studying them when you examine them.
  • Removed "XP percent" and "misfire chance" bonuses on some conditions that didn't actually do anything.
  • When you get rid of an item attached to a hotkey, the hotkey is unset.
  • Heat/cold aura should no longer constantly show popups from adding/removing the condition.
  • Colored lights and healthbars now respect zoom when a dialog window is open.
  • Added an icon for physical damage.
  • Current favor is now displayed at top of faction screen.
  • If you move onto a hazardous space after being warned about it, the game will no longer warn you about those particular hazards.
  • Increased max zoom level.
  • You can no longer apply secrets to spells that are fully upgraded.
  • When you gain/lose multiple of the same item (for example, selling or studying) it stacks the amount together on a single popup instead of a popup for each one.
  • Conditions that block action (freezing, stunning, coughing from disease) now automatically advance the turn.
  • Items that take up no space are placed at the end of their category list on the inventory screen.
  • Clicking on an open door moves into it instead of closing it.
  • Popup when gaining/spending money, like other items.

Bug Fixes

  • When buying items from a faction, you now buy the correct number of them.
  • Game is now better about cleaning up leftover lights from removed light sources.
  • Runes no longer stack.
  • Thrown stacked items now split off into their own item properly.
  • Error thrown by some herb items.
  • Wine bottle becomes an empty bottle at the right time now.
  • Error when attacking a non-creature with a vampiric weapon.
  • Game now cleans up dead creatures better, hopefully should prevent any leftover phantom creatures left behind after death.
  • Creatures summoned in a completely different location were remaining in your follower list even after leaving, so if you went up/down stairs in a new location, they'd show up again.
  • Clicking the space between the filter buttons on the inventory no longer selects the item "behind" that space.
  • You should no longer receive zorkmids as an item when completing missions in your tower, they should go to your "bank" instead.


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