Development Roadmap

Happy Wizard Wednesday!

The release of the Air arcana is the biggest update Wizard School Dropout has seen so far, and I hope everyone's enjoying it.

Below are my plans for things to work on in the near future. This is all subject to change, and something being on the list isn't necessarily a *promise* that it will actually make it in the game, but everything below is, as of now, part of what I'd like the game to look like. I've got more stuff I'd like to add and ideas to explore besides what's below, but they're further-out and even more subject to change as the game develops.

My current plan for the next area of focus is working on new locations to visit.

New Arcana

  • Air - Done!
  • Earth - Rounding out the four classical elements.
  • Nature - Adding some classic plant/animal magic.
  • I've got more Arcana types planned, but they'll be a bit more complex or niche and are further down the line.

New Locations

  • Mansions - Full of valuables, but heavily guarded.
  • Ruined Towers - What happens when magical research gets out of hand. Corrupted wizards, hazards, more monsters, but higher chance of finding powerful cursed items
  • Other ruins of various types
  • Mines - A good place to stock up on crystals, but don't delve too deep.
  • Non-vampire crypts - Perhaps inhabited by necromancers, liches, or an undead army.
  • Town with friendly NPCs


  • Player ancestries - I want these to bring unique abilities, rather than simple modifiers.
  • Tower management - Repairing trashed rooms and turning them into rooms that give bonuses or offer additional downtime activities.
  • Expand corruption system - Rather than just increasing modifiers, gaining corruption should give thematic mutations both harmful and helpful.
    • Additional sources of corruption, like cursed items or spells.
  • Events - Magical and mundane events that change what's going on at a location. From simple stuff like rain (or raining fire or blood!) to things like riots, demonic invasions, or magical catastrophes.
  • Spell levels above 3 - Giving players more powerful spells that they have to work for in-game rather than the current state of being able to start with the most powerful spells available.


  • More monsters, rooms, items, etc.
  • In particular, more higher-level monsters that show up later in the game and have more abilities rather than just increasing the stats of the monsters that are there.
  • More factions and more faction interactions.
  • More missions, including missions that have you traveling to specific locations. More non-hostile interactions and options - eg Bribe guards to look the other way while you steal stuff, listen in on the lectures in the tower.

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