Player Surveys (and some previews from a new area)

I've created a couple of surveys for people who've played the game. I'd appreciate your feedback!

The first survey (and the biggest focus, at the moment) is focused on debt and item value. The next release is going to feature mansions, which have a lot of valuable-but-not-useful loot, so I'm looking to take this opportunity to rebalance the values of items and the debt, and I'm curious what people's experiences have been with them so far in play.

Debt survey:

The second survey is more general questions about what you like/don't like about the game so far. It's less directed, but if I see that a multiple people saying the same thing, it might give me an idea of things to focus on that I might not otherwise have thought of on my own.

General survey:

And, as promised, here's some information about some new stuff!

Mansions can of course be assaulted like other locations, but they're heavily guarded so that might not always be the best idea.

Instead, if you haven't managed to piss off the nobility yet, you might be able to walk right through the gate! Fancy nobles are always having each other over for parties and to show off their homes, so if you manage to get an invitation for one of them (or bribe the guards!), and you're dressed the part, you might just be allowed to wander around unimpeded!

Though you may be allowed inside, that doesn't mean you're just allowed to take whatever you want, though. If you're caught stealing, you will get a chance to put the item back, which will prevent everyone from becoming hostile towards you. This will also apply in most other situations where creatures who aren't already hostile towards you catch you stealing.

Once you've gained access to the mansion through peaceful means, there are a variety of nobles inside to talk to. Some may offer mini-quests you can do which will grant small rewards and increase your favor with the nobility, and may even lead to contacting a new faction with plenty of disposable income to throw your way...

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